From ConRunner
Discord is a chatroom app, originally developed for voice. In fannish contexts, it is primarily used for its Slack-like text features.
Discord servers are free to run at any scale. (It makes money off of game subscriptions and merchandise sales.)
Server structure
A typical fannish outpost on Discord will tend to have these text channels:
- A welcome channel, placed at the top of the channel list where new arrivals land, with a single message welcoming them, presenting rules specific to the server, and/or directing them to channels they might find useful.
- A channel for news or announcements only.
- A help channel.
- A channel for general chatter about the event, topic, or community the server is for.
- A channel for off-topic chatter.
- Channels for notable subsets of the community, such as fans with a particular sub-interest, or speakers of a particular language.