Press Relations

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Press Relations - Tell the local newspaper, television and radio people that you are having a convention. Be nice to them, and maybe they'll be nice back.

First thing: give them plenty of warning and a useful description of the event, maybe as much as several weeks in advance, but don't pester them. Most likely your event will be treated as a fill in feature, not breaking news, so there is no guarantee about how extensive the coverage will be. They need to know when to be there and who to talk to and what they are likely to see. Have someone prepared to do the job right and accurately answer questions as necessary, or know where to get the answers, then do it (quickly). Coordinate the on-site visit activity with the hotel or convention center management. If you are lucky, they've done this before.

Don't waste the press guy's time, they have lots of other things to do and they are giving you free publicity.

Don't do anything to embarass yourself, or you really WILL make the news, but not in a good way.