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David Dyer-Bennet

I'm a fan and sometimes con-runner in Minneapolis, MN. I've worked a lot on Minicon, including chairing it twice and being on the executive committee a couple of times (that's less precise than "twice"; I'm not sure what the exact number is). I was a member of the "High Resolution Council" that precipitated the 1999 changes to Minicon. I also worked on all the Fourth Street Fantasy Cvonentions (as registration, treasurer, chair, and publications at various times), the first Minneapolis World Fantasy Convention (investor and treasurer), and Noreascon III (area head for photography, for the retrospective slide show at closing ceremonies). I also created the first Minicon and Minn-StF web sites (and registered the DNS name before they started charging for them), and still host them.

In addition to convention running and SF reading, I'm an avid amateur photographer, and professionally a software engineer and web developer.