A Convention is a gathering of people meeting for the purpose of discussing or enjoying some aspect of Science Fiction. Typically a convention will have a theme or focus on one or or a few genres of SF rather than attempt to have programming for all of them
Well established conventions will typically have an ongoing name or nickname for themselves (e.g. World Science Fiction Convention / WorldCon, Westercon, Noreascon, etc.) that reflect their intended scope, and will often be numbered as successive, similar conventions are held. Naming can be simple and straightforward (e.g. LA Con I, LA Con II, LA Con III, etc.) or complex and whimsical (e.g. Gallifrey One, Gallifrey One: the Sequel, Gallifrey One in 3D, Gallifrey One Goes Fourth, etc.)
Size may vary from a few hundred that might visit a small local convention to over 20,000 that might attend a major comics convention. Attendees may be from only the local area, or travel from all over the world.