Finding fans of color
From ConRunner
If you want to increase non-white presence at your event, nere are some tips and resources for finding fans and creators of color.
Note that most of these resources, at the time this page was first created, are US-centric.
- If your town tends to cluster minorities in poorer neighborhoods, make an alternate version of your fliers emphasizing available discounts and get those fliers into local libraries.
- Wild Unicorn Herd is a Tumblr highlight black creations and fanac.
- Black Science Fiction Society includes blogs and a forum, and takes advertising.
- The "We're Here" series on cons focusing on black creators, a list of black sf creators, and lots more Web sites.
Search terms
- "Wild Unicorn Herd" is also popular Tumblr and blog tag for non-white fans and creators posting about their activities.
- "Blerd" (a portmanteau of "black nerd").