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[http://www.bjsflt.cn 北京搬家] 
[http://www.bjxsbt.com.cn 北京搬家]   
[http://www.banjiahy.cn 北京搬家]   
[http://www.x8x.org.cn 北京搬家]   
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[http://www.cnghf.cn 装饰装潢] 
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[http://lizhishun.blog.ccidnet.com 李志顺]
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[http://www.xbjk120.net 生殖器疱疹]
[http://www.bjxsbt.com.cn 北京搬家]     
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[http://www.bczl.com.cn 汽车租赁]
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[http://www.xltcpl.cn 汽车陪练]
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[http://www.china6888.com 工商注册] 
[http://www.china6888.com 注册公司]
[http://www.bjxrbh.com/page02.htm IBM服务器]   
[http://www.xbjk120.net/ 性病]
[http://www.xbjk120.net/ 尖锐湿疣]
[http://www.xbjk120.net/ 生殖器疱疹] 
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[http://www.hpsell.com.cn 惠普打印机维修] 
[http://www.bczl.com.cn 汽车租赁]
[http://www.bczl.com.cn 租车]
[http://www.ifcmbj.com MBA]   
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[http://www.51662323.com 飞机票预定] 
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[http://www.hzst.net.cn Dell服务器]
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[http://www.zhonghaihc.com 分析天平]   
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[http://www.jfart.com 塑料颗粒机]
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[http://www.cmecexpo.com 国际展会]
[http://www.cmecexpo.com 国际展览]
[http://www.cmecexpo.com 展览公司] 
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[http://www.shouxinjiaye.com 电热水器维修]
[http://www.shouxinjiaye.com 燃气灶维修]
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[http://www.lyjzs.cn 装饰公司] 
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[http://www.en400.com 英语学习网]
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[http://www.bjofficebl.com 写字楼出租]
[http://www.bjofficebl.com 写字楼]   
[http://www.banjiahy.cn 北京搬家] 
[http://www.bjxsbt.com.cn 北京搬家] 
[http://www.cnghf.cn 会议服务]
[http://www.cnghf.cn 展览制作]
[http://www.cnghf.cn 装饰装潢] 
[http://www.wanli888.com/index1.htm 北京保洁] 
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[http://www.taiad.com.cn 汽车陪练]
[http://www.taiad.com.cn 北京汽车陪练] 
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[http://www.lsggjc.cn 木雕加工]
[http://www.bj-xingyu.com 工程机械租赁]

Revision as of 19:12, 20 January 2008


Registration Rates vary from convention to convention, based on how large and how elaborate the convention is, as well as other goals of the concom. Some conventions serve as fundraisers for causes or for parent organizations.

Setting Registration Rates and Deadlines

The setting of Registration rates and deadlines is often the subject of much debate. Some conventions receive most of their registrations At-the-door and prefer to keep that price low to encourage a larger attendance. Other conventions purposefully set their At-the-door price high to encourage Pre-Registration. Having more members pre-register helps a convention to better plan its budget since attendance (and thus total budget size) may be more predictable that way.

Some conventions comp registration for program participants, or offer some sort of discount. Likewise for concom members. Some conventions offer volunteers the opportunity to earn a membership re-imbursement or to roll that over into a free membership for the following year. All of these things must be considered when setting the budget and thus the rates.

Deadlines should be set so that the final pre-registration rate expires at least a month before the convention dates. If there is another price change before that, it is usually at least three months before the final pre-registration deadline. Publications that remind people of the deadlines should be sent out at least a month before the deadlines in question.

Common Registration Rate Structures

Adult Memberships

Childrens Memberships

Children ages 12 and under are usually given a reduced membership rate at conventions that wish to encourage child attendance. A children's membership may also be necessary to use child care facilities.

Children ages 4 and under can often attend in the 'child in tow category, which is free so long as a parent or other adult is with the child at all times. 北京搬家 北京搬家 北京搬家 北京搬家 北京搬家 Kvm 汽车陪练 装饰公司 会议服务 展览制作 装饰装潢 李志顺 李志顺 汽车陪练 印刷公司 地暖 性病 尖锐湿疣 生殖器疱疹 北京搬家 飞机票预定 租车 汽车租赁 门窗厂 汽车陪练 北京公司注册 工商注册 注册公司 IBM服务器 性病 尖锐湿疣 生殖器疱疹 惠普激光打印机 惠普打印机维修 汽车租赁 租车 MBA 机票价格 飞机票预定 hp服务器 Dell服务器 IBM服务器 国际快递公司 国际快递 国际速递 国际快运 货运公司 电子天平 分析天平 造粒机 吹膜机 制袋机 胶带机 打包带机 塑料造粒机 塑料吹膜机 塑料制袋机 塑料颗粒机 再生塑料颗粒机 国际展会 国际展览 展览公司 热水器维修 电热水器维修 燃气灶维修 油烟机维修 代开发票 装饰公司 北京途胜 维拉克斯 新胜达 华泰圣达菲 口语 英语学习网 三维动画制作 动画制作 地暖 地暖公司 二手房律师 二手房过户 房产律师 房产纠纷 北京二手房买卖 调查 碎纸机 文件柜 汽车陪练 汽车陪练 汽车陪练 北京写字楼 写字楼出租 写字楼 北京搬家 北京搬家 会议服务 展览制作 装饰装潢 北京保洁 燃气灶维修 节能节电 翻译公司 陪练 汽车陪练 北京汽车陪练 空调净化 自动门 特价国际机票 电缆桥架 电脑回收 利升超薄灯箱 木雕加工 工程机械租赁