Talk:Comprehension Convention Engine
From ConRunner
Revision as of 16:44, 14 February 2007 by Bill Taylor (Talk | contribs)
I am the author of the tool mentioned.
I want to talk to any con runners that want to learn more about CCE!
CCE is free for all volunteer run conventions. --Tbmorgan74 14:35, 12 February 2007 (PST)
- I notice over in Scheduling that you say CCE is in Microsoft Office. Isn't it more true to say it outputs in MS Office format? CCE is certainly not a Microsoft product. I don't object to you mentioning it, but the facts have to be accurate. --Bill Taylor 14:33, 14 February 2007 (PST)
- ps. I would have thought you would name it Convention Comprehension Engine, but either way is fine with me. --Bill Taylor 14:33, 14 February 2007 (PST)
- Its written in Visual Basic. But that is not what is important to users. It is written for the Office platform. Like many other packages for sale or public domain. Excel, word, or access files that need office to run. But CCE specifically uses Excel and Word. Try it out, please!--Tbmorgan74 15:11, 14 February 2007 (PST)
- Without actually having run it yet, I would like to see a descrip[tion of what reports come "canned" with the software. Software is scary for a lot of folks, and they dont want to "program" the computer. For example, individual schedules for the program participants, individual schedules for the rooms, instructions to the hotel for room set up for each program, catering instructions, AV instructions, etc. A description of the convention "model" the engine uses would be nice (what data does the user provide, and how is it interconnected and reported). I think most people will be wary of joining a Yahoo group without more info on what will be there and what they are getting into. --Bill Taylor 16:44, 14 February 2007 (PST)