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Many people come to cons to get their books/photos signed. It can be a real buzz for a newcomer to fandom to meet their heroes. Actors tend to attract bigger numbers than authors, but a big name author can generate great interest.

Have one or more tables in the exhibition/dealers space with enough open space for the lines.

Match popular authors with unpopular ones to even loading, even if its dispiriting for the neglected ones.

Discourage authors from selling books at the signing, instead tell people in the publicity where they can be bought in advance.

Don't let sessions run more than an hour. Have multiple sessions for popular authors, keep back slots for the unexpected successes.

Let the author decide how long to spend on each person, but with have a quiet word if they seem oblivious to lengthening queues.

Authors are usually not handled by Green Room.

While commercial conventions have actors charging for autographs, fannish conventions don't.

Decide whether signings should be part of the programme schedule, separate but still in the Pocket Program, or just advertised on a board where they will happen.