
From ConRunner
Revision as of 07:26, 13 October 2005 by Netmouse (Talk | contribs) (added reference to rates)

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Registration is the process of getting the member's information recorded. This can be done at the time of membership sale, or when the member physically arrives at the convention. The amount of information to be recorded is highly variable, from nothing, to just name and address, to all the particulars of interests and activities the member intends to engage in at the convention. The intended use of the data will determine what is requested of the member.

The Registration department manages both Pre-Registration and At-Con registration. Some conventions have separate people in charge of the two functions. Pre-Registration is done by mail, in person at Room Parties and other events, and online. Whenever pre-registrations are taken in person, a receipt should be given to the registrant as proof of their membership.

Registration rates are often defined in tiers, with different prices for registration before the con and At-The-Door.

There is usually a Registration Desk at the convention, though Program Participant Registration may be handled through the green room or simply filed separately to support the handing out of program participant information packets.